Manhattan Mayham - New York

Manhattan Mayham

New York, United States

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Manhattan is under siege and chaos abounds! Can you and your teammates rescue the city from catastrophe within 60 minutes?

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Capacity: 4-10

Phone: 1 (646) 964-5783

39 West 32nd Street, 4th Floor

Prohibition Pandemonium - New York

Prohibition Pandemonium

New York, United States

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You are in a Roaring 20’s speakeasy and the cops are banging on the front door. Do you have what it takes to find the secret back exit and escape the long arm

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 2-10

Phone: 1 (646) 964-5783

39 West 32nd Street, 4th Floor

Alian Attack - New York

Alian Attack

New York, United States

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You are on a mission to evaluate planet Kepler-452b as a suitable “Second Earth” and an unknown Alien force has attacked your mother ship! Do you and your

There are no reviews for this game yet.

Capacity: 2-10

Phone: 1 (646) 964-5783

39 West 32nd Street, 4th Floor

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